Logic Pro X 10.3

Logic Pro X 10.3

Name Logic Pro X 10.3
Size 1.29 GB
Name: Logic Pro X
Version: 10.3
Release Date: January 19, 2017
Languages: English, French, German, Japanese, Simplified Chines
e, Spanish
Developer: Apple
MAS Rating: 4+
Mac Platform: Intel
OS Version: OS X 10.11 or later
Processor type(s) & speed: 64-bit processor
Includes: Pre-K'ed
Courtesy of TNT Team
Web Site: http://www.apple.com/logic-pro/
Mac App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/app/logic-pro-x/id634148
Logic Pro X is the most advanced version of Logic ever. Sophisti
cated tools for professional songwriting, editing, and mixing ar
e built around a modern interface that�s designed to get creativ
e results quickly and also deliver more power whenever it�s need
ed. Logic Pro X includes a massive collection of instruments, ef
fects, and loops, providing a complete toolkit to create amazing
-sounding music.
Powerful Interface
� Consolidate and control multiple tracks or create rich, layere
d instruments with Track Stacks
� Smart Controls allow you to manipulate multiple plug-ins and p
arameters with a single move
� Support for the Touch Bar on MacBook Pro provides convenient c
ontrols for creating, editing and navigating your songs
� Autosave keeps your work safe and sound
Professional Music Production
� Record and edit MIDI or audio using a comprehensive set of edi
tors and tools
� Keep takes organized with take folders and build comps quickly
with Quick Swipe Comping
� Track Alternatives let you create and switch between different
playlists of regions and edits on a track
� Render any combination of effect plug-ins to a selection of au
dio using Selection-based Processing
� Fix out-of-tune vocals and change the melodies of recorded aud
io with Flex Pitch
� Manipulate the timing and tempo of any recording with ease usi
ng Flex Time
� Comprehensive mix and plug-in parameter automation can be part
of a region or track
� Create and mix music from anywhere in the room using Logic Rem
ote on iPad or iPhone
� Produce simple lead sheets or orchestral scores with built-in
Score editor
Drum Production
� Create authentic acoustic, electronic, or hip hop drum tracks
using Drummer, a virtual session player and beat producer
� Choose among 28 distinct drummers that can take your direction
and perform millions of unique grooves
� Build your own acoustic drum kits with Drum Kit Designer using
a collection of deeply sampled drums
� Customize the sound of your electronic beats using Drum Machin
e Designer
Keyboards and Synths
� Get inspired by collection of synths that provide analog, wave
table, FM, additive, granular, spectral, and modeling synthesis
� Quickly find sounds or create unique new ones with Alchemy, th
e ultimate sample manipulation synthesizer
� Play or create a wide variety of rich sampled instruments with
the EXS24 Sampler
� Instantly turn a simple chord into a rich performance with the
� Transform simple ideas into elaborate performances using nine
MIDI plug-ins
� Play faithful models of classic organs, keyboards, and vintage
Guitar and Bass Gear
� Build your own guitar or bass rig with Amp Designer using vint
age and modern amps, cabinets, and mics
� Design a custom Pedalboard from a collection of delay, distort
ion, and modulation stompboxes
� Access the Tuner with just a click to quickly get in tune
Creative and Production Effects
Play your sounds through realistic acoustic spaces using Space
Designer convolution reverb
� Use a range of multi-tap, vintage tape, and stereo delays
� Add movement to your tracks with a variety of modulation effec
Sound Library
� Over 2700 instrument and effect Patches
� More than 750 meticulously sampled instruments
� 5600 Apple Loops in modern urban and electronic genres
� Expand your instrument and effects library with third-party Au
dio Units-compatible plug-ins
� Share to GarageBand option allows you to remotely add new trac
ks to your Logic project from your iPhone or iPad via iCloud
� Import and export XML to support Final Cut Pro X workflows
� Export and share your songs directly to SoundCloud
� Open projects from Logic 5 or later
Minimum System Requirements
Display with 1280-by-768 resolution or higher
OS X v10.11 or later
Requires 64-bit Audio Units plug-ins
6GB available disk space for minimum install / 57GB hard disk fo
r full Sound Library installation
What's New in Version 10.3:
Support for the Touch Bar on MacBook Pro
� View your entire project at a glance and navigate with touch i
n the timeline overview
� Adjust Smart Controls on the selected track to fine-tune the s
ound of instruments and effects
� Play and record software instruments using a musical keyboard
with piano keys or scale mode
� Trigger drum pads to create beats while controlling velocity a
nd note repeat
� Access your favorite shortcuts using a set of customizable key
Updated Interface
� New modern design with improved legibility in a variety of lig
hting conditions
� Expanded color palette offers 24 more colors to label your reg
ions, tracks and notes
� Horizontal auto-zoom helps keep everything in view
� New region editing design reveals waveform for entire audio fi
le while trimming
Audio Production
� Track Alternatives let you create and switch between different
playlists of regions and edits on a track
� Render any combination of effect plug-ins to a selection of au
dio using Selection-based Processing
� True stereo panning provides more control and discrete manipul
ation of stereo signals
� Apply fades across multiple regions at a time
� 64-bit summing engine
� Use 192 additional busses
Additional Features
� Share to GarageBand option allows you to remotely add new trac
ks to your Logic project from your iPhone or iPad via iCloud
� MIDI plug-ins can be used to creatively control plug-in parame
� Directly assign Software Instruments as sidechain sources� Import Music XML files
Full Release Notes: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT203718

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